A starter skeleton with advanced features
The Advanced Starter doesn’t define any UI limitations in any way and only gives you the basic components for SEO/Links/Infinite Scrolling while creating a comfortable development environment to get started.
Starter supports both TypeScript and JavaScript, comes with Jest and Cypress configurations and allows you to write Unit/Integration/E2E tests out of the box.
You are free to use any UI framework/styling options or you can use the gatsby-theme-amaranth
as a starting point, which provides a stylish blog design styled with Styled Components
- Gatsby v3 support
- First class TypeScript support (for query data and components exposed by the theme)
- Styled Components used for styling
- Posts in MDX
- Code syntax highlighting
- Embed videos
- Embed iframes
- Infinite Scrolling
- React Query for client side API calls
- Tags
- Separate page for posts under each tag
- Categories
- Separate page for posts under each category
- Social features
- Twitter tweet button
- Facebook share/share count
- Reddit share/share count
- LinkedIn share button
- Author section
- Related posts computation and display based on category/tag match ranking
- Disqus support
- gatsby-plugin-image for optimized image generation
- Inline SVG imports
- High configurability
- Separate components for everything:
- Gatsby Link utilities
- Disqus
- PWA features
- Offline support
- Web App Manifest support
- Loading progress for slow networks
- Google gtag.js support
- Sitemap generation
- General description tags
- Google Structured Data
- OpenGraph Tags (Facebook/Google+/Pinterest)
- Twitter Tags (Twitter Cards)
- RSS feeds
- Development tools
- Yarn 3
- Jest for unit/integration testing
- Cypress for E2E testing
- CI via GitHub Actions
- CD via GitHub Actions
- ESLint for linting
- Prettier for code formatting
- React Hooks Linting
- Remark-Lint for linting Markdown
- write-good for linting English prose
- gh-pages for deploying to GitHub pages
- Netlify deploy configuration