Gatsby Personal Portfolio

This theme is a minimalistic resume style Gatsby portfolio

Author gmlunesa
Github Stars 33
Last Commit Nov 4, 2020
Gatsby Personal Portfolio screenshot

A minimalistic resume style Gatsby portfolio

Kick off your personal site with this minimalist resume style broilerplate. This starter features user-friendly components and mobile responsive design.

Blazing fast

You might have heard this term about GatsbyJS projects before. However, I am not exagerrating. Check out our Lighthouse scores and see it for yourself!

Device independent

Access the website through a laptop, tablet or phone with no problem. This site has been thoroughly tested to make sure that it can be viewed no matter the screen size.

Engaging layout

This starter template offers a change in format in how you relay information about you to the readers. You can say goodbye to boring blocks of endless text, while still getting the benefits of organized content.

Show off your skills and projects

Separate sections are dedicated to your skills and projects, giving the spotlight to each and every one of them. No, you don’t need to copy and paste blocks of HTML code for each additional skill you have. You can enumerate them in JSON files, and the rest gets taken care of.

Colors and dark mode

A dark mode toggle is available no matter where your user is on the site. Not quite satisfied with the color palette? Color schemes for both light and dark modes are customizable according to your preference.