GraphCMS Marketing Website

Next.js starter for creating a SaaS Marketing Website with GraphCMS

Author GraphCMS
Github Stars 71
Last Commit Apr 12, 2022
GraphCMS Marketing Website screenshot


A Next.js starter for creating a SaaS Marketing Website with GraphCMS


Quick start

  1. Clone the repository and install project dependencies
npx degit GraphCMS/reference-marketing-website#main reference-marketing-website
cd reference-marketing-website
  1. Provide your GraphCMS project keys

In order to use this starter, you’ll need to have created a new GraphCMS project using our Marketing Website Template.

Navigate into your new site’s directory and copy the .env.local.example file.

cp .env.local.example .env.local

Inside of your newly created .env.local file, provide values for the variable. These variables can be found in the project settings UI.

  1. Start building!
yarn dev

Next.js Preview Mode

If you want to enable Next.js Preview Mode you’ll need to add the following to your .env:



This should be a Permanent Auth Token that is set to fetch content from PUBLISHED content stage by default.


This should be a Permanent Auth Token that is set to fetch content from DRAFT content stage by default.


You’ll need to make sure when configuring the Preview URL inside GraphCMS that it passes the same secret value you assigned to GRAPHCMS_PREVIEW_SECRET.

You’ll need to update both the Page & Blog Post model to add a Preview URL. The URLs should look like this:

  • Page: https://]]/api/preview?secret=[GRAPHCMS_PREVIEW_SECRET_VALUE_HERE]&slug={slug}
  • Blog Post: https://]]/api/preview?secret=[GRAPHCMS_PREVIEW_SECRET_VALUE_HERE]&slug=blog/{slug}
