Panini Cake

Headless Shopify starter theme built with Next.Js + Typescript + Tailwindcss + Shopify.

Author Stefano Galiffa
Github Stars 6
Last Commit Jun 3, 2024
Panini Cake screenshot

Next.js TailwindCSS Shopify Ecommerce Starter Kit

This theme is a lighweight starter kit to build your e-commerce shop using Shopify Storefront API.


  • Shopify Storefront API
  • Next.js App Router
  • Optimized for SEO using Next.js’s Metadata
  • React Server Components (RSCs) and Suspense
  • Server Actions for mutations
  • Dynamic OG images
  • Styling with Tailwind CSS
  • Responsive for multiple devices
  • Easy to customize and adapt to your selling products