Next.js on Netlify Platform Starter

Modern starter based on Next.js 14 (App Router), Tailwind, daisyUI, and Netlify Core Primitives.

Author Netlify
Github Stars 37
Last Commit Jan 13, 2025
Next.js on Netlify Platform Starter screenshot

A modern starter based on Next.js 14 (App Router), Tailwind, daisyUI, and Netlify Core Primitives (Edge Functions, Image CDN, Blob Store).

In this site, Netlify Core Primitives are used both implictly for running Next.js features (e.g. Route Handlers, image optimization via next/image, and more) and also explicitly by the user code.

Implicit usage means you’re using any Next.js functionality and everything “just works” when deployed - all the plumbing is done for you. Explicit usage is framework-agnostic and typically provides more features than what Next.js exposes.