HB Starter Theme

The starter theme of Hugo Bootstrap framework (HB).

Author Razon Yang
Github Stars 81
Last Commit Sep 29, 2024
HB Starter Theme screenshot

The starter theme template of HB Framework.


  • Fast and SEO friendly: PageSpeed Insight scored perfect :100: in all four metrics on mobile and desktop.
  • Multi-purpose: blog, project documentations, digital garden and so on.
  • Responsive: mobile first, built on top of Bootstrap v5.3.
  • :ice_cube: Modular and flexible: extend features via various modules.
  • :first_quarter_moon: Dark mode: light, dark or auto (follow system).
  • :mag: Search: powerful client side fuzzy search that allows filtering and sorting of results, as well as searching from all multilingual sites.
  • PurgeCSS: remove unused CSS.
  • :rocket: PWA:
    • Installable: add site to home screen.
    • Offline available: offline page and offline image.
    • Allow precaching resources, such as CSS, JS and fonts.
  • :framed_picture: Images Processing: process images via URL query string and fragment, such as alignment, resizing, cropping and so on, friendly to Markdown.
  • :computer: Code block panel: expand toggle, code copy button, line number toggle and wrap toggle.
  • Menus: supports header menus and footer menus.
  • :framed_picture: Image viewer: zoom in/out image.
  • :card_index_dividers: Archives: group by year and month.
  • :memo: Multiple authors: articles can be co-authored.
  • :globe_with_meridians: Multilingual.
  • :arrow_left: RTL: supports Right-to-Left languages.
  • :arrow_up: Back/Return to top button.
  • Social links: supports header and footer social links.
  • Content: supports KaTex (math), Mermaid (diagrams) and Bootstrap shortcodes.

Live Demos

Cloudflare Pageshttps://hb-theme.hugomods.com/
GitHub Pageshttps://hbstack.github.io/theme/

