Lotus Docs

A free, lightweight, modern documentation theme for Hugo

Author Colin Wilson
Github Stars 309
Last Commit Dec 4, 2023
Lotus Docs screenshot

Lotus Docs

A lightweight, modern documentation theme for Hugo. Easily customized for building fast, secure, and SEO-friendly documentation sites.


  • Modern documentation layout
  • Responsive design / Mobile support
  • Fast, Accessible and SEO-Friendly (💯 scores on Google Lighthouse!)
  • Secure by default
  • Built on Bootstrap 5
  • Deploy on Vercel with multiple options
  • Multilingual support (i18n)
  • Powerful Syntax Highlighting via Prism.js
  • Dark Mode
  • Custom fonts (via Google Fonts)
  • Custom icons (via Google Material Symbols)
  • Landing page template included
  • Documentation sidebar menu (with optional icons)
  • Table of Contents menu on each page (optional)
  • Customisable theme accent colour
  • Social media links (Github, Twitter, Instagram etc)
  • Static Search plugin option (powered by FlexSearch, enabled by default)
  • Support for DocSearch
  • Custom shortcodes (PrismJS, Alerts, Tabs, Tables)
  • Analytics (Google Analytics v4, Plausible Analytics)
  • Open Graph
  • Mermaid Support
  • Math equations powered by KaTeX